
my perspective

Location: punjab, India

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

do we do things because we want to?

something happened today that raised a question in my mind.. do we do things because we want to...? i guess we do things most of the time because we r told to do them in a manner... or the way society expects us to do . there is nothing irritating at this moment than our society with its ageold superstitions and beliefs still alive. ppl say its changing. show me the change. i dont see it changing. its same... same... its the same the way it was some 0 yrs ago or some 20 yrs ago or some 80 yrs ago..

ppl can say that it has changed... okk maybe but the basic mentality remains the same....

some 80 yrs ago ppl didnt allow gals to study.. they were married and were dependent...

20 yrs ago.. ppl started.. with the girl education... they were married to intellectual ppl and were dependent on them for mjor salary..

today ppl are educating their daughters to be doctors, lawyers and c.a.'s and most of them doing it to again make them DEPENDENT on the intellectual men in the society...

what i dont understand is why ? if some ppl want their daughters to be just dep. on their spouses and handle the same work their dadis were handling... why they have to spend their energy in making them docvs, engineers or lawyers..? why not let them do a degree in B.A. and then settle with it... why taxing their energies?isn't it just tosatisfy their own social ego......

isn't it ... so that they can boast in a party that their son-in-law is this or that...and fill their empty egos? no matter if the son in law is not allowing their daughter to work... irrespective of her energy spent..., no matter he still abuses her.. and no matter...how intelligent is she than him... just no matter............

i see girls who are frustated.... and our so called social system doing this..........

we, , tell our gals to adjust and compromise.. how many of us tell our boys to do the same..?

isn't it a crime society is doing against all the enriched brains......

i see a brain drain.... a drain that is not only going abroad but one with bitter results.... a drain running through our society and clogging...........

girls still face what they were facing ages before (not all, but many, still though..)
they dont move out of rotten relationships.... because they feel they can't. can they not?

can't is no word. there is nothing u cannot do... i guess the things u r not doing is because u dont want to do them.

u dont want to go against the society.... when actually u have to....

are we so weak?

did our education system fail to restore that lost confidence in women... they are still being treated in wierd ways...

or is it because they are not looking forward to being respected?

at last u get what u expect.... maybe women are not raising their expectations.... or maybe we being the parents and the society are bringing those expectations to a low level.?

maybe in telling them to compromise.... we forgot to design a limit for it..... and in the pursuit of compromising they are confused between the ego and self respect...


and as mahatama gandhi said.... " Be the change you want to see in the world"......

only women themselves can bring that change into society by bringing a change in their own lives.... by looking back and staring back in the eyes of all those who resist such a change and make them feel embarassed of being a women.... this is what they shall be proud of..!


Blogger Hazel Dream said...

hmm hey I remember you .. after June .. what took it so long..
so u wana revolt ??

7:05 AM  

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